Sunday, February 15, 2009

Phoenix Suns in Crisis

I have been an avid Phoenix Suns fan for as long as I have been watching basketball. Being from Alaska I never really had a favorite team until I first saw the Suns when they had the all star cast including Barkley, Majerle, K.J. and Eddie Johnson to name a few. But in the past couple seasons it has become more and more difficult to watch especially in the post season with the crushing defeats by the Spurs. This season has been the toughest with the lose of Marion last year and Bell and Diaw this year I have become wearly of the direction GM Steve Kerr is taking this team. The addition of coach Terry Porter has been a change that is taking some time to get use to. I liked him as a player, but I think that he bit off more than he can chew transitioning this Suns team from a run a gun style to a more defensive presence.

The Suns went from a record of 55 - 27 to this year more then half way through the season with a record of 28 - 23. The way that the western conference is looking the possibility of the Suns not making the playoffs is very real.

So what can the Suns do to remedy this crisis? Does firing the head coach and assigning Alvin Gentry the task of pulling the Suns out of the slump they are in sound like a viable solution? Will trading Amare help effect the team in a positive way? I do not know what they plan to do but I hope they make the smart decisions for the sake of the fans. Please do not get me wrong I am a die hard fan and will watch my team no matter what. I am just curious to hear what you think. Please give me you opinion on the situation as I am curious to see what other fans think.